Margery Ginsberg’s Articles

Professional Learning Articles


I leave the week wondering how in the world I ever considered leading an effort for social justice and equity without making very concerted efforts to connect with families-truly…it deeply challenged my assumptions about what our school “need,” which has important implications for my role as a school/district leader.

Simply put, family visits made me realize how much deep understanding I have missed as a leader. I will seek to never allow that to happen again. I shake my head as I realize just how patronizing we can be as leaders and teachers when we speak of the needs of “our” communities. I have played a role in many conversations about addressing the “needs” of our community and, in most cases, have had no true understanding of those needs.

Many of the articles I write are written for practicing educators who want to discover – through their own research – new ways to reach students with whom they may not have previously been effective.close quote


Primary Audience: K-12 Teachers, Educational Leaders, Teacher Educators

Note: Asterisks indicate peer reviewed or editorial boards with a rejection rate of 95% or higher.

Motivation in motion: Learning walks benefit teachers and students in a dual-language primary school.Ginsberg, M.B. et al (2018) The Learning Professional. June 2018 Vol. 38 No. 3 Oxford, Ohio: Learning Forward.

*Shadowing a Student Shows How to Make Learning More Relevant. Ginsberg, M.B. (2016) Phi Delta Kappan, (Vol. 97, #4, pp. 26-30),

*Questions that Lead to Action: Equity Audits Motivate Teachers to Focus on English Learners’ Needs. Soria, L.S. & Ginsberg, M.B. (2016) Journal of Staff Development, Learning Forward, Oxford, OH. October/Vol. 37 No. 5.

*Making Diverse Classrooms Safer for Learning. Ginsberg, M.B. (2015) Educational Leadership, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development   Alexandria, VA.

Motivation: The Key to Academic Success in Culturally Diverse High Schools. Ginsberg, M.B. (2014) Principal Leadership, National Association of Secondary School Administrators, 15(4) 26-30.

Partnering with Families on School Improvement Inquiry. Ginsberg, M.B. (2014) Washington State Kappan, 6(1), 40-42.

Lesson Study as a Form of Action Research for Instructional Leaders. Ginsberg, M.B. & Gebert, J. (2012) Washington State Kappan, 6(1), 37-39.

*Stepping into a Student’s Shoes. Ginsberg, M.B. (2012)  Educational Leadership, 69(5).

*Invaluable Allies: Partnering with Families for Student Success. Ginsberg, M.B. (Feb. 2012) Educational Horizons (Phi Delta Kappan), 90(3), 5-9.

A Leadership Perspective on Implementing a STEM Initiative. Ginsberg, M.B., Kinsey, C., and Zigarelli, J.M. (2011). Washington Educational Research Journal, 22-27.

*Tradition Becomes the Teacher: Community Events Enrich Professional Learning. Ginsberg, M.B. & Craig, A. (2010)  Journal of Staff Development, 31(4), 36-41.

*Lessons from the Kitchen Table. Ginsberg, M.B. (2007)  Educational Leadership, 64(6), 56-61.

*How Walk-throughs Open Doors. Ginsberg, M.B. & Murphy, D. (2002)  Educational Leadership, 58(8), 34-36.

*By the Numbers: Data-in-a-Day Technique Provides a Snapshot of Teaching That Motivates. Ginsberg, M.B. (2001) Journal of Staff Development, 22(2), 44-47.

*Beyond Fixing Kids. Ginsberg, M.B. & Johnson, J.F. (1998)  Journal of Staff Development, 19(2), 23-27.

*Building Capacity through School Support Teams. Johnson, J.F., and Ginsberg, M.B. (1996) “” Educational Leadership, 54(3), 80-82.


Primary Audience: Higher Education, Adult Educators, Educational Leadership Faculty

Note: Asterisks indicate peer reviewed or editorial boards with a rejection rate of 95% or higher.

A Motivational Framework for Instructional Equity in Higher Education, Ginsberg, M.B.  (2018). Higher Education Today, American Council on Education

Making Diverse Classrooms Safer for Learning, Ginsberg, M.B (2015) March, Educational Leadership

*Using Transformative Experiences to Prepare Instructional Leaders through Doctoral Education. Ginsberg, M.B., Knapp, M. S., Farrington, C.A. (2014)  Journal of Research on Leadership Preparation, Sage Journals, 9(2) 168-194

The University of Washington- Seattle Leadership for Learning Educational Doctorate: Characteristics and Innovations. Klar, H.W. with Ginsberg, M. & Kimball, K.  (2012), University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Review.

Professional Learning to Promote Motivation and Academic Performance among Diverse Adults. Ginsberg, M.B. & Wlodkowski, R.J. (2009)  November, CAEL Forum, Chicago: Council for Adult & Experiential Education, Special Issue, 23-32.

*A Day’s Worth of Data. Ginsberg, M.B. & Brown, C. (2009)  Educational Leadership, 66(4), 75-79.

Data-in-a-Day: A New Tool for Principal Preparation. Ginsberg, M & Kimball, K. (2008)  Principal, 87(3), 40-43.

 *Motivation, Cultural Diversity, and Differentiation. Ginsberg, M.B. (2005)  Theory into Practice, 44(3), 218 – 225.

A Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching, *Wlodkowski, R.J. & Ginsberg, M.B. (1995)  Educational Leadership. 53(1)17-21.

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