Education Consulting

Recent Presentations
Recent keynote presentations, faculty development institutes on inclusion and cultural diversity in higher and adult education, and collaborative research include the following institutions and organizations:
American Association of Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)
American Council on Education (ACE)
Amherst College
Association of International Schools in India Teachers’ and Administrators’ Conference (Cochin, India)
Centennial Community College
Chemeketa Community College
Council for Accelerated Programs in Higher Education (CAP)
Colorado State University
Gateway to College National Network,
George Brown Community College (Canada)
Kansas State University
Kingsborough Community College (CUNY)
Lily Arctic Institute (Dillingham, AK)
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education (NCORE)
Pennsylvania State University
Pikes Peak Community College
Seattle University
Temasek Technical Institute Faculty Development Institute (Singapore)
University of Central Florida
U.S. Command and General Staff College. (Ft. Leavenworth)
University of Houston
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Valencia Community College
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Washtenaw Community College
Western Washington University
Margery is an enthusiastic, stimulating, thoughtful, and amazing presenter & instructor. Not only was the content that was presented extremely valuable, I especially liked how Margery consistently put into practice the exact things she was teaching through modeling and pointing out how she was using different educational concepts in her own presentation. A common theme that was present throughout these workshops was enhancing learning and without a doubt I will say that my interest and dedication for learning was certainly enhanced through these experiences. Margery truly is a role model for all educators.
~Assessment Research Analyst at Edgewood College
…She learns alongside us in a way that shows her fundamental respect for schools, and in a manner that always keeps students at the center of her work.” ~Doctoral student
….Another example of Dr. Ginsberg’s approach to adult learning was when she took educators to a migrant camp north of Seattle one summer evening. Talking with families in the camp, through interpreters, hearing their stories and dreams for their children, and learning about their experiences in with the local school district taught me to deeply respect the knowledge, life experiences, and hopes of migrant families.” ~Elementary principal
Consulting with Post-Secondary and K-12 Education Organizations
My consulting and major presentations with educational organizations that serve colleges and K-12 school districts include The American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, American Council on Education, Arctic Lily Education Conference, Commission on Accelerated Learning, Council of Chief State School Officers, Department of Defense Education Agency, Educational Service Centers throughout the United States, State Education Agencies across the United States, Learning Forward, United States Department of Education, and Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education.
I am a scholar-practitioner, educational author and consultant. My current work with colleges and universities includes keynote presentations, faculty development workshops, and research.
In 2013 I was honored with the American Educational Research Association (AERA) “Relating Research to Practice Award” for my application of interdisciplinary research through the “motivational framework for culturally responsive teaching.” This framework enhances instruction in schools, community colleges, and universities to strengthen students’ intrinsic motivation to learn, academic performance, retention, and graduation.
My work builds on experience as a university professor and, for nearly a decade, Associate Professor of Education and Director of the University of Washington-Seattle doctoral program for aspiring educational leaders. I earned a Ph.D. in Bilingual/Multicultural/Social Foundations of Education from the University of Colorado-Boulder and I currently live in Chicago, Illinois.
Sample Keynote Presentations
“Applying Motivational Principles to Teaching Adults.” 2016 Annual Conference of American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Albuquerque, NM. Presented with Raymond Wlodkowski.
“Motivation & Retention: The Portal to Post-secondary Student Success.” 2014 Student Recruitment and Retention Conference, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
“Youth and Adults Learning New Skills to Redesign Schools.” 2013 Bridges to Partnership Statewide Conference. Montpelier, VT. “
“Learning & Motivation for the 21st Century Learner.” 2013 Temasek Technical Institute Faculty Development Institute, Singapore. Presented with Raymond Wlodkowski.
“ Constructing a Future for Accelerated Learning: A Motivational Architecture.” 2013 Council for Accelerated Programs (CAP) National Conference, Denver. Presented with Raymond Wlodkowski.
“Culturally Responsive Adult Learning.” 2013 Lily Arctic Institute, Dillingham, AK Presented with Raymond Wlodkowski.
“Enhancing Student Motivation to Learn: A Macrocultural Perspective.” 2012 Annual Conference of The Association of International Schools of India. Kerala, India. Presented with Raymond Wlodkowski.
“Adult Learning & Motivation Today.” 2013 Faculty Development Conference, Pikes Peak Community College, Pikes Peak, CO Presented with Raymond Wlodkowski.
“Diversity & Motivation: Culturally Responsive Teaching in Professional Programs.” 2013 Faculty Development Institute, School of Nursing, Seattle University, Seattle, WA Presented with Raymond Wlodkowski.
“Instructional Leadership to Enhance Learning, Motivation, and Persistence.” 2012 Gateway National Conference, Portland, OR. Presented with Raymond Wlodkowski.
“Diversity & Motivation: Culturally Responsive Teaching in College.” 2012 Summer Faculty Diversity Conference, University of Central Florida. Orlando, FL.
“Increasing Student Motivation in Intensive and Accelerated Courses.” Presented with Raymond Wlodkowski. March 2012 Jossey-Bass/Wiley (Online Seminar).
“Enhancing Motivation & Learning Among Diverse Learners.” Invited faculty lecture. October 2011. Kingsborough Community College (CUNY). Brooklyn, NY.
“Teaching Intensive & Accelerated Courses: Instruction that Motivates Learning.” August 2011 Oklahoma Reach Higher Statewide Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.